Master of Science in Biotechnology » Resident Companies

Meet the companies that call University Research Park home.

University Research Park is home to over 126 companies and over 3500 employees.


The companies are a unique blend of talented researchers and aspiring companies all striving for innovation in their designated discipline.


While the Park is made up of many individual companies, it functions as a community with encouraged cooperative communication between the tenants.

Master of Science in Biotechnology

Contact: Brian Husk
505 S. Rosa Road, Suite 217 Madison WI 53719 Work Phone: 608.262.9753Website:

Biographical Info

Master of Science in Biotechnology program delivers an integrated curriculum in science, business, policy and law to prepare students to lead in the development and commercialization of new technologies. 2022 completes the second decade of the program, graduation over 400 students using their strong global knowledge to provide quality from the bench to the c-suite in all aspects of the industry discovery to manufacturing and product release in small startups to global companies. Join the next cohort, meeting every other week for four semesters to join the Biotech Badger community.

Categories: MGE Innovation Center, Uncategorized