Trade experts agree engaging with China still preferable

Trade experts agree engaging with China still preferable

International trade experts agreed engaging with China is still preferable as the United States and its allies consider how to deal with China’s rise in the global economy.

“I’d describe it as engagement with eyes wide open, so that we’re not being taken advantage of,” U.S. Rep. Ron Kind said yesterday during a webinar hosted by, and the Wisconsin Technology Council.

He noted that throughout history, an established global power grappling with the rise of another global power tends to lead to conflict. To avoid that outcome, he called for a “mutual relationship” between the United States and China.

“Trust but verify, to use President Reagan’s term, but one that doesn’t cut off those avenues of constructive engagement,” said the member of the House Ways and Means Trade subcommittee. “And I think trade is still one of those avenues that can produce some win-win situations for the American consumer, the American producer, but also what China needs today too, so that they don’t view us as just a hostile power trying to thwart whatever they’re trying to accomplish.”

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