
Q2 Draper TIF Grant Deadline: August 15


The Draper Technology Innovation Fund (TIF) administered by Discovery to Product (D2P) supports efforts to enhance the scope or patentability of inventions and assist with their potential licensing to the commercial sector. Applicants must be UW‒Madison faculty members or academic staff, and a formal university invention disclosure must have been accepted by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF). Applications for Q2 of fiscal year 2025 due August 15.

Fall BME Design Projects – Deadline Aug 15


Do you have an idea or need for a medical or biological innovation? UW-Madison Biomedical Engineering (BME) student teams are available to work on solving medical problems by designing solutions to meet your personal, medical practice, or research needs through a unique BME Design curriculum.

Discovery to Product (D2P) Innovation to Market Deadline: September 27


Innovation to Market from Discovery to Product (D2P) can help you turn your idea into impact. Intended as an entry point for campus innovators—from faculty to students, postdocs and staff—this free, non-credit course will be offered this fall from October 9 - December 4. Deadline to apply: September 27.

2024 Wisconsin Science Festival

Multiple Wisconsin Locations WI, United States

Celebrate Curiosity Across Wisconsin at Wisconsin Science Festival! One week packed with events for all ages. The Wisconsin Science Festival is a statewide celebration with activities for people throughout Wisconsin. Events include hands-on science exhibitions, demonstrations, performances, tours, pub nights, workshops and more.