GoDx: Transforming the approach to gut health

GoDx team

GoDx team

Dr. Chang Hee Kim opened GoDx in Madison in June of 2017, and the company has benefited from being centrally located in the University Research Park, surrounded by the biotech industry and proximate to the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

GoDx is a symbol of global innovation and progress. “Go” symbolizes their drive for progress and “Dx” (short for diagnostics) encapsulates their commitment to global health.

GoDx is at the frontier of diagnostic innovation. “Our core objective is to swiftly and accurately identify pathogens causing diarrheal diseases. It’s not merely about diagnosing; it’s about empowering individuals and healthcare providers with precise insights for effective treatment. We have the vision of doing our part in saving lives by developing rapid diagnostics to identify the germs that cause diarrheal diseases so that people can be treated with the right drugs. Our GO-GutDx® offers rapid, accurate results, transforming how we approach gut health,” Kim said.

GoDx® Rapid Nucleic Acid Detection Strips are paper strips, similar to pregnancy or rapid Covid tests, that show two lines if a person is infected by a gut bug or one line if the test is negative. He continued, “GoDx solutions are more accessible and affordable whereas others require expensive instrumentation and highly skilled technicians. Our tests will be simple enough to be run by clinicians at urgent care or by you at home.”

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