Programming cells to organize their molecules may open the door to new treatments

The Coyle Lab tested their tool in human cells by programming multiple proteins, each represented by a different color, to move in various wave patterns. The tool they developed allows researchers to essentially program molecules to move around a cell to specific locations over time. University of Wisconsin–Madison

The Coyle Lab tested their tool in human cells by programming multiple proteins, each represented by a different color, to move in various wave patterns. The tool they developed allows researchers to essentially program molecules to move around a cell to specific locations over time. University of Wisconsin–Madison


Researchers can engineer cells to express new genes and produce specific proteins, giving the cells new parts to work with. But, it’s much harder to provide cells with instructions on how to organize and use those new parts. Now, new tools from University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers offer an innovative way around this problem.

  • Cells move molecules around in specific patterns in order to carry out cellular functions. Manipulating certain cellular functions has potential benefits for treating developmental diseases and cancers.
  • It is difficult for scientists to force cells to organize specific molecules into prescribed patterns.
  • UW–Madison researchers have developed a tool that allows scientists to program specific patterns of movement within cells to control how they organize molecules.

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